
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Ware, a township of Hampshire county, Massachusetts, U.S.A., traversed by the Ware river, and about 25 m. E.N.E. of Springfield. Pop. (1880) 4817, (1890) 7329, (1900) 8263, of whom 3263 were foreign-born, (1910 census) 8774. Area 29'3 sq. m. The township is served by the Boston & Albany and Boston & Maine railways, and by two interurban electric lines. Its average elevation is about S50 ft. above sea-level. There is a public library (14,225 volumes in 1910). In 1905 the value of the factory products was $3,783,696, 23.2% more than in 1900. Among the manufactures are cotton and woollen goods, and boots and shoes. The township owns and operates its waterworks. Because of its hard and rough soil, Ware was not settled as early as the surrounding townships, the first permanent settlement being made in 1730. It was incorporated in 1742 as a precinct, in 1761 as a district (formed from parts of Brookfield, Palmer and Western, now Warren, and certain common lands), and in 1775 as a separate township. In 1823 additions were made from Brookfield and Western.