What is EncycloSearch?

EncycloSearch is a free, open source encyclopedia search engine, supported by the Knowledge Standards Foundation. It searches over a dozen encyclopedias at once.

What is the Knowledge Standards Foundation?

The Knowledge Standards Foundation is a non-profit organization. We are creating a decentralized network of encyclopedias—the Encyclosphere—and other cool projects like this one. To visit the KSF's website, click here.

Is EncycloSearch the same thing as the Encyclosphere?

No. EncycloSearch is not, and never will be, the Encyclosphere. It is simply an encyclopedia search engine.

Does EncycloSearch have all the articles from each encyclopedia?

No. EncycloSearch has a more or less random selection of articles from most encyclopedias. It does have most or all of the articles from these encyclopedias:

What's EncycloSearch's privacy policy?

When you visit EncycloSearch, your IP address is stored temporarily (in the server's RAM) to help prevent attacks. Your IP address is not logged or shared with anyone, and the internal lists of IP addresses are cleared every 24 hours. To see how your IP address is used, check out the source code.

Other than that, EncycloSearch does not store, log, or share any of your information. Searches are ad-free and anonymous.

What happened to the original EncycloSearch?

It's still available. To access it, click here.