
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Vineland, a borough of Cumberland (disambiguation)|Cumberland county, New Jersey, U.S.A., in the southern part of the state, about 34 m. S. of Philadelphia and about 115 m. S.W. of New York. Pop. (1890) 3 822; (igloo) 4370, including 5 9 0 foreign-born; (1905 state census) 4593; (1910) 5282. Area, I sq. m. It is served by the Central of New Jersey and the West Jersey & Seashore railways, and by electric railway to Millville and Bridgeton. Vineland is situated at an altitude of 90-118 ft. above the sea, on a generally level or slightly undulating plain, and has unusually broad, straight and well-shaded streets. The borough maintains a public library, a public park of 40 acres, artesian waterworks, a sewerage system and an electric lighting plant. It is the seat of the New Jersey Training School for FeebleMinded Girls and Boys (1888), the State Home for the Care and Training of Feeble-Minded Women (1888), and the State Home for Disabled Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and their Wives. The Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society (organized in 1864) has a library (8000 volumes in 1909) housed in the Society's building, and it maintains a free lecture course. Saloons for the sale of intoxicating liquors have never been allowed in Vineland. The surrounding country is largely devoted to the growing of small fruits, grapes, peaches, pears and apples, and the raising of sweet potatoes; and within the borough are manufactured unfermented grape juice wine, boots and shoes, clothing, carpets, rugs, chenille curtains, pearl buttons, flint-glass tubes and bottles, and iron castings.

Vineland was founded in 1861 by Charles K. Landis (1835-1900), who conceived the idea of creating a settlement in the almost uninhabited "Pines" of Southern New Jersey; and after purchasing a large tract he laid out a village with small farms adjoining. The settlers, largely from New England and the Middle States, received the land at moderate prices on agreeing to make certain stipulated improvements. The township of Landis (pop. in 1905, 535 1), named in honour of the founder of the settlement, was incorporated in 1864, having formerly been a part of Millville; from it Vineland w' s separated and was incorporated as a borough in 1880.

See The Founder's Own Story of the Founding of Vineland (Vineland, 1903), a pamphlet published by the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society.