
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Vellore, a town of British India, in the North Arcot district of Madras, on the river Palar and the South Indian railway, 87 M. W. of Madras city. Pop. (1901) 43,537. It has a strongly built fortress, which was famous in the wars of the Carnatic. It dates traditionally from the 13th century, but more probably only from the 17th. It is a fine example of Indian military architecture, and contains a temple adorned with admirable sculptures. In 1780 it withstood a siege for two years by Hyder Ali. After the fall of Seringapatam (1799) Vellore was selected as the residence of the sons of Tippoo Sahib, and to their intrigues has been attributed the mutiny of the sepoys here in 1806. An American mission manages a high school, raised to the rank of a college in 1898; and the police training school for the presidency is also situated here. Vellore has a large grain trade, and flowers are cultivated in the vicinity.