
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Trick, a crafty or fraudulent device, deceitful artifice or stratagem, hence an exhibition of skill, especially in sleight of hand or jugglery, the term being also used of a peculiar trait or manner of speech, character or physical habit. A specific use is that for the cards played at a single round, which are taken up and count towards the winning of the game. The origin of the word is ultimately to be found in Lat. tricae, trifles, hindrances, wiles, whence tricari, to delay, shuffle, play tricks, which has also given "intricate," "extricate," "intrigue." The M. Eng. trichen, to cheat or trick, was adapted from the O. Fr. trickier, trechier, whence came trecherie, Eng. "treachery," a betrayal of faith, perfidy or trickery of the grossest kind. There has been also a confusion, which has influenced the meaning and form of "trick," with the Dutch trekken, to pull, draw, cf. the South African Dutch trek, a journey, migration, properly the action of drawing a vehicle or travelling by ox-wagon. "Trick" or "tricking" is thus used, in heraldry, as the technical term for the drawing of a coat of arms in monochrome, giving the tinctures by the conventions of vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines, &c.