
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Stabiae, an ancient town of Campania, Italy, on the coast at the east extremity of the Gulf of Naples (mod. Castellammare di Stabia). It was dependent upon Nuceria Alfaterna until it joined the revolt against Rome in the Social War (90 B.C.). In 89 it was taken and destroyed by Sulla, and its territory given to Nuceria as a reward for fidelity to Rome. The place, however, continued to be visited for its natural beauties, its mineral springs and its pure milk. Remains of fine villas have been found about half a mile to the east of the modern town, and also the remains of a temple to the genius of Stabiae, which no doubt occupied the same site as it had done in Oscan times. None of these remains is now visible. The town was destroyed by the eruption of A.D. 79 (in which the elder Pliny met his death), but was soon rebuilt on the site now occupied by the modern Castellammare. Above the town on the east is the Mons Lactarius (from lac, milk). Here took place the battle between Narses and Teias in A.D. 553, which put an end to the Gothic domination in Italy.

See M. Ruggiero, Scavi di Stabia del 1749 al 1782 (Naples, 1881); J. Beloch, Campanien, 2nd ed. p. 248 sqq. (Breslau, 1890). (T.As.)