
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Residence (Latin residere, to remain behind, to dwell, reside), in general, a place of abode. In law, it usually means continuance in a place. The ordinary meaning of the word has been defined as "the place where an individual eats, drinks and sleeps, or where his family or his servants eat, drink and sleep" (R. V. North Curry, 1825, 4 B. & C. 959) For certain purposes, however, a man may be said to have his residence not only where he sleeps, but also at his place of business. See Abode; Domicile. In ecclesiastical law residence is the continuance of a spiritual person upon his benefice. As a general rule, it is necessary for every rector or vicar to reside within his parish, even though there may be no house of residence annexed to the benefice. But under certain circumstances the bishop of the diocese may grant a licence of non-residence (Pluralities Act 1'836).