
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Pnom-Penh, a town of French Indo-China, capital, since 1866, of the protectorate of Cambodia and seat of the residentsuperior. Pop. about 60,000, consisting of Cambodians, Annamese, Chinese, Malays, Indians and about 600 Europeans. It is situated on the Mekong about 173 m. from its mouth at the point where it divides into two arms and is joined by the branch connecting it with the Great Lake (Tonle-Sap). Its position makes it the market for the products of Cambodia, Laos, Upper Burma and part of Siam (dried fish, rice, cotton, indigo, cardamoms, '&c.) The town is lighted by electricity. The palace of the king of Cambodia occupies a large space in the Cambodian quarter. The town gets its name from the Pnom, a central hill surmounted by an ancient pagoda.