
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Panna, or Panna, a native state of Central India, in the Bundelkhand agency. Area, 2492 sq. m.; pop. (1901), 192,986, showing a decrease of 19% in the preceding decade due to famine; tribute £33,000. The chief, whose title is maharaja, is a rajput of the Bundela clan, descended from Chhatar Sal, the champion of the independence of Bundelkhand in the 18th century. The maharaja Lokpal Singh died in 1898, leaving an only son, Madho Singh, who, in 1902, was found guilty by a special commission on the charge of poisoning his uncle, and was deposed. The diamond mines, for which the state was formerly famous, are now scarcely profitable. There are no railways, but one or two good roads. The town of Panna is 62 m. S. of Banda. Pop. (1901), 11,346. It has a fine modern palace and several handsome temples and shrines.