
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Orizaba (Aztec, Citlaltepetl, " star mountain"), an extinct or dormant volcano, on the boundary between the Mexican states of Puebla and Vera Cruz and very nearly on the 19th parallel. It rises from the south-eastern margin of the great Mexican plateau to an elevation of 18,314 ft., according to Scovell and Bunsen's measurements in 1891-1892, or 18,250 and 18,209 ft. according to other authorities, and 18,701 (5700 metres) by the Comision Geografica Exploradora. It is the highest peak in Mexico and the second highest in North America. Its upper timber line is about 13,500 ft. above sea-level, and Hans Gadow found patches of apparently permanent snow at an elevation of 14,400 ft. on its S.E. side in 1902. The first ascent of Orizaba was made by Reynolds and Maynard in 1848, since when other successful attempts have been made and many failures have been recorded. Its last eruptive period was 1545-1566, and the volcano is now considered to be extinct, although Humboldt records that smoke was seen issuing from its summit as late as the beginning of the 19th century.