
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Oki, a group of islands belonging to Japan, lying due north of the province of Izumo, at the intersection of 36° N. and 133° E. The group consists of one large island called Dogo, and three smaller isles - Chiburi-shima, Nishi-no-shima, and Naka-noshima - which are collectively known as Dozen. These four islands have a coast-line of 182 m., an area of 130 sq. m., and a population of 63,000. The island of Dogo has two high peaks, Daimanji-mine (2185 ft.) and Omine-yama (2128 ft.). The chief town is Saigo in Dogo, distant about 40 m. from the port of Sakai in Izumo. The name Oki-no-shima signifies "islands in the offing," and the place is celebrated in Japanese history not only because the possession of the islands was much disputed in feudal days, but also because an ex-emperor and an emperor were banished thither by the Hojo regents in the 13th century.