
From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


Hammond, a city of Lake county, Indiana, U.S.A., about 18 m. S.E. of the business centre of Chicago, on the Grand Calumet river. Pop. (1890), 5428; (1900) 12,376, of whom 3156 were foreign-born; (1910, census) 20,925. It is served by no fewer than eight railways approaching Chicago from the east, and by several belt lines. As far as its industries are concerned, it is a part of Chicago, to which fact it owes its rapid growth and its extensive manufacturing establishments, which include slaughtering and packing houses, iron and steel works, chemical works, piano, wagon and carriage factories, printing establishments, flour and starch mills, glue works, breweries and distilleries. In 1900 Hammond was the principal slaughtering and meat-packing centre of the state, but subsequently a large establishment removed from the city, and Hammond’s total factory product (all industries) decreased from $25,070,551 in 1900 to $7,671,203 in 1905; after 1905 there was renewed growth in the city’s manufacturing interests. It has a good water-supply system which is owned by the city. Hammond was first settled about 1868, was named in honour of Abram A. Hammond (acting governor of the state in 1860-1861) and was chartered as a city in 1883.