Francois Auguste Rodin

From Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1910)


"Francois Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), French sculptor (see 23.447), presented in Nov. 1914 20 examples of his work in bronze, including " L'Enfant prodigue," " La Muse," " France," " Cybele," " L'ange dechu," " Balzac," and a bust of Mr. George Wyndham, to the Victoria and Albert museum, London, as a token of his admiration for the deeds of the British army. In 1916 Rodin presented all the works remaining in his possession to France, and in 1917 a replica of " The Burghers of Calais " was placed in the garden adjoining the House of Lords. He died at Meudon, near Paris, Nov. 17 1917.